Graphite Paddles 1½" X 1½" ..... $16.00 Part# GP15X15 1" X 4" ..... $16.00 Part# GP10X40 1½ " X 2½" ..... $17.00 Part# GP15X25 2" X 3" ..... $19.00 Part# GP20X30 2" X 4" ..... $22.00 Part# G20X40P 3" X 3" ..... $23.00 Part# GP30X30 3" X 5" ..... $32.00 Part# GP30X50 4" X 6" ..... $44.00 Part# GP40X60
Measurements are width by length. Smooth, high quality graphite with no metal on the face. The durable handle is heat resistant. Custom sizes available.
Smircich-Henley Graphite Paddle $30.00 Part# GPSMIRCICH
This 2" X 4" graphite paddle incorporates the Smircich Tail Stock Holder into its design. One of the outside corners is clipped off at a 45º angle and has a cup shape. Vince Henley greatly improved on this by designing a stainless steel insert for the cup shape. Like the Smircich Tail Stock Holder, the paddle's special feature is used by placing the tip of the mandrel into the cup to steady it. By holding the paddle/tail stock holder in one hand and the mandrel in the other, you can control the bead within the flame more easily. It becomes instantly more stationary as you rotate the mandrel allowing you to place the bead in the flame exactly where you need it and keep the bead on center.
Graphite Marvering Pads ¼" Thick 4" X 4" ..... $22.00 Part# GM4X4X14 5" X 5" ..... $33.00 Part# GM5X5X14 6" X 6" ..... $47.00 Part# GM6X6X14 6" X 12" .....$95.00 Part# GM6X12X14 12" X 12" ..... $184.00 Part# GM12X12X14
3/8" Thick 6" X 6" ..... $65.00 Part# GM6X6X38 6" X 12" ..... $125.00 Part# GM6X12X38 12" X 12" ..... $242.00 Part# GM12X12X38
Graphite pads for marvering. Sanded smooth on both sides. Works great for marvering, flattening the bottom of vessels or holding pieces of silver, gold or palladium leaf when you roll the hot glass bead over them. Also makes an excellent "no wash" kiln shelf. No matter how hot it gets, glass will never stick to it. When used as a kiln shelf, it will disintegrate. As with all our graphite marvering pads, marvering paddles and torch marvers, they come with a lifetime free tune up. You cover the shipping, we'll re-sand the surface to new condition for free. Special sizes available.
Janelle Platform Marver $65.00 Part # GMPLTMRV6
The large 6" x 6" graphite pad sits 5.25" high on a stainless steel stand. Place it on your worktable, to the side of your torch or just below your flame. The graphite's elevation and location to the flame makes marvering or pickup quick and easy with plenty of clearance from the worktable for your hand.
Stump Shaper 2" X 2½" Graphite ..... $30.00 Part# STUMP-G1 2" X 4" Graphite ..... $35.00 Part# STUMP-G2 1½" X 2" High Quality Brass ..... $60.00 Part# STUMP-Q 1" X 2" Small Brass ..... $50.00 Part# STUMP-ES 1¼" X 1½" High Quality Mini Brass ..... $45.00 Part# STUMP-MINIB 1" X 1¼" High Quality Micro Brass ..... $45.00 Part# STUMP-MICROB 1¼" X 1½" High Quality Mini Stainless Steel ..... $45.00 Part# STUMP-MINIS 1" X 1¼" High Quality Micro Stainless Steel ..... $45.00 Part# STUMP-MICROS
Named after sculptural genius Loren Stump. One long side has a radius on its edge. The opposite side has a radius that tapers to a point at the end of the paddle where the corner of the paddle is rounded. The end of the paddle is machined to a chisel edge. You will find that this will be a most valuable tool in creating your own sculptural beads and murrinis. Sizes are nominal.
Guarino Groovy Tool 2" X 2½" ..... $37.00 Part# STUMP-GUARIN 2" X 4" ..... $42.00 Part# STUMP-GUAR-2
The new Guarino Groovy Tool is a modified Graphite Stump Shaper. Designed by Andrea Guarino-Slemmons and her husband Whit Slemmons, the unique grooves make this tool a wonder for applying metal leaf and foil to hot glass beads, by burnishing it along the curves and right down to and around the mandrel holes. Note: The grooves do make the tool more delicate. Mishandling will lead to the tip breaking. As with all Arrow Springs made graphite tools, we will redress damaged tools to new like condition for free, but the overall length of the graphite will be shorter. See details at beginning of tools section.
Mikie Shaper $28.00 Part# GPMIK
Originally designed for making core vessels, the Mikie shaper has come to be an excellent general purpose shaping tool. Mounted to a durable heat resistant handle, a piece of graphite measuring ¾" X ¾" has a radius running down the overall length, which is 2½". At the end is a chisel tip.
Mini Graphite Shaping Tools Mini Stump Shaper: 1¼" X 1½" ..... $22.00 Part# GT-STUMP Square: 1" X 1" ..... $15.00 Part# GT-SQ1X1 Rectangle w/Chisel End: 3/8" X 2" ..... $16.00 Part# GT-CHIS38 Small Cone: ½" Diameter Base X 1½" ..... $16.00 Part# GT-CONE12 Large Cone: ¾" Diameter Base X 1½" ..... $16.00 Part# GT-CONE34 Cylinder w/Bullet End: 3/8" Diameter X 2" ..... $16.00 Part# GT-BULLET Cylinder w/Flat Side & Chisel End: 3/8" Diameter X 2" ..... $16.00 Part# GT-CYL38FSCE
7 different mini graphite shaping tools come in a variety of shapes to perform all kinds of glass manipulations. Some tools are simple in their design while others have more complicated surfaces. Sizes are nominal.
Stainless Steel Marvering Pad $10.00 Part# SSMAR
Heavy gauge stainless steel, that sits 3/8" off the table, makes a great alternative to graphite. Since stainless steel has a relatively low thermal conductivity, you will find that it probably will never get hot enough to stick to glass. 6" X 6"
Pyramid Press $8.95 Part# SH-PYRA34PRE
At one end of the Pyramid Press is a 3-Sided profile that impresses an inverted, 3-sided pyramid pattern when pressed into hot glass. The other end has a 4-sided profile to impress an inverted 4-sided pyramid pattern. Made from 1/4" x 6" (6mm x 15cm) stainless steel.
Holy Roller $6.50 Part# HOLYR
Perforated stainless steel that sits 3/8" off the table. Roll your hot bead over the 3/16" holes spaced on 1/4" centers to create a hobnail pattern. 3" X 4"
Dinah Masher $40.00 Part# GPDIN
Graphite mashing press. Used to mash glass against a marvering pad. A 2" X 3" graphite block, ¾" thick, has a contoured wood handle mounted to center of one of the graphite's large sides.
Kevin O'Grady Bracelet Marver $45.00 Part# GPBRACELET
Use to gently marver glass against a marvering pad when making glass bracelets using the Kevin O'Grady method. A 2" X 6" graphite pad has a 10" handle attached at a comfortable angle to the center of one of the broad surfaces.
Oval Bracelet Mandrel Mandrel ..... $36.00 Part# MANOVL Mandrel With Base ..... $65.00 Part# MANOVLB
Used to make lampworked glass bracelets. The Mandrel with Base model comes with a 12" X 12" base that securely holds the bracelet mandrel at the proper angle.
Ring Mandrel Mandrel Only ..... $22.00 Part # MAN-RINGNG Mandrel with Stand ..... $40.00 Part # MAN-RINGNGWS
This solid steel Ring Mandrel is ideal for making glass rings since it has no grooves or markings. Used for shaping and sizing. Working area is 9" long for ring sizes 1 to 15.
The ring mandrel is used bare, without mandrel release and cold.
For the Ring Mandrel with Stand model, place it on the work table to the side of the flame with the narrow end of the mandrel facing you. For the Ring Mandrel only model, position it to hang off your work table, to the side of the flame with the narrow end of the mandrel facing you. The big end sits on the table with either a weight holding it down or a strap can be used. Neither weight or strap is provided.
Heat up a mass of glass just like you do when you are pulling a stringer or making a twisty. You should only melt only enough glass to pull out a thickness and length that would make a ring. When the glass is ready to pull, position it over the ring mandrel, at a location of the taper that is the ring size you want. Now is the important timing part. Pull it out and use the punties to wrap it around the mandrel while the glass is still flexible. Bring the two punties together and press them together to complete the circle. Remove one punty, attach a new "cold" punty on the opposite side and then remove the other original punty. Clean up the joined area. Then, if necessary, gently reheat the whole ring and straighten it using the mandrel for roundness and a paddle or pad for flatness. Remove the "cold" punty. The area of the ring where the two punties come together is where you can attach a decorative element if it looks a bit wonky.
You can also wrap only three quarters around the mandrel, leaving a little of the ring hang away from the mandrel. Then nip off one of the punties, attach a new "cold" punty half way around, remove the other original punty and use tweezers to manipulate the two loose ends of the ring together. Reshape as described above. Remove the "cold" punty. This second way is good for rings that have a spiral band and do not have a decorative element to cover up the join. It is harder to do then the first way.
A nice variation is to make the center of the pull thicker than the sides, where the punties are attached. This gives you a ring with an elegant bulge on the top of your hand. The joined area is on the palm side of your hand where it is not seen. There is a lampworker in Venice making these; only they were twice the size of a ring, as pendants. On some of them he put pieces of goldstone positioned in the center of the bulge. It took him just a few minutes each and they sold for what is equal to $30 to $40. He used the first method as described above.
Both methods do take practice. Expect your first few to not look so good. Within a few goes you will get it down.
Spinning Top Mold 1" Diameter ..... $38.00 Part# MOLTOP1 1½" Diameter ..... $45.00 Part# MOLTOP112
Download the two page color instructions in Adobe PDF. Note: the mold design was updated after the instruction sheet was made. Easily create 1" or 1½" diameter spinning tops. Each size mold has two profiles, one for the top side and another for the bottom side. It also creates the spinning point and sets the handle location.
Cylinder Speed Shaper $69.00 Part # GPCYLINDER
The new Cylinder Speed Shaper is one of the most innovative lampworking tools to have been developed in years. Now you can quickly and expertly shape cylinder beads on both the cylinder side and at the end—all in one, smooth motion. Plus, you'll get the crispest edges you've ever seen! You'll be able to produce consistent results in far less time. Without a doubt, the Cylinder Speed Shaper is an innovation as important to making cylindrical beads as was the mandrel. You'll see the difference it makes when your beads nestle up to another flat surface as on a pen body or cap of a BeadPen.
Baroque Shaper $32.00 Part# GPBAROQUE
Graphite mold has three sizes of Ogee profiles to make beads with a baroque look. The three sizes make ½" (12.7 mm), ¾" (19 mm) and 1" (25.4 mm) long beads. Pictured are two beads made in the medium size profile, with one decorated, and one large bead.
Lani Ching Shaper $45.00 Part# GPCHING1
The Lani Ching Shaper (designed by guess who) features two V grooves and two curve grooves for making a multitude of shapes. It also doubles as a mini frit trough. 2" x 2½".
Osibin Former Small ..... $34.00 Part# GPFORMERSM Medium ..... $39.00 Part# GPFORMERMED Large ..... $45.00 Part# GPFORMERLG X-Large ..... $50.00 Part# GPFORMERXLG
Graphite shaping tool for superbly making the subtle shapes that make the best goddess, fish and bug bodies as well as elegant amphora vessel shapes and ovals. Each side of this two sided shaping paddle has one half of an oval shape cut into it. The oval starts as a narrow and shallow curve, and as it widens out it gets deeper. The radius of the curve of the oval is different on each side of the shaping paddle, for all four different sizes. These tools are so flexible, that they can make very small or very large shapes, all faster and better than using a traditional flat paddle. The former's curved profile is cut using a ball shaped cutter. The Small size Osibin Former has curves made from 1" diameter and a 1¼" diameter cutters. The Medium size is made from 1½" and 2" cutters. The Large 2½" and 3". The X-Large 3½ and 4".
Osibin Curve Shaper $40.00 Part# GPCURVE
The graphite Osibin Curve Shaper has a large curve area, like a half-pipe, for making curvy specialty shapes.
Osibin Sphere, Oblate and Disc Former $60.00 Part# GPDISK
The Osibin Sphere, Oblate and Disc Former is a graphite shaping tool with six different, round bottomed, grooves, three on each side. At the edge of the tool, the grooves are about one and one half as deep as they are wide. As the grooves extend into the graphite, they become shallower, until there is no depth left. Each groove is a different width to create different bead sizes. Groove widths are 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8" and 1". The former will make an oval bead when working close to the shallow end. A little further in creates a nice sphere or round bead. Towards the deeper end will form an oblate bead and near the very end will create perfect donut or disc beads.
Lentil Shapers Original Osibin Lentil Shaper $37.00 Part# GPLENTIL New, Larger Lisa Fletcher Lentil Shaper $40.00 Part# GPLENTIL-LF
The larger Lisa Fletcher Lentil Shaper has two larger curve profiles for making scaled up lentil shaped beads than the original four profile Osibin Lentil Shaper makes. It is also great when you want to make smaller lentil beads with a lower profile curve. Better than pressing the glass between two curved shapes of a mashing tool, because each of the tools' profiles have a different curve to them that, when worked over the glass, can give you near limitless diameters and profiles. Used by heating one side of the bead and working the softened glass in the mold, then heating the other side and working that side. The final form takes shape surprisingly fast
All of the profiles are about 3/16"(4.7mm deep. The chart below lists the diameter of each profile, as measured across the graphite and the curve of the profile, referring to the diameter of the sphere shaped cutter that made the curve into the graphite.
Osibin Lentil Shaper (Original)
Diameter of Profile
Curve of Sphere
13/16" (20.6mm)
1¼" (31.7mm)
1" (25.4mm)
1¼" (31.7mm)
1¼" (31.7mm)
2½" (63.5mm)
1¾" (44.4mm)
3½" (88.9mm)
Lisa Fletcher Lentil Shaper (Newer Larger)
Diameter of Profile
Curve of Sphere
1-11/16" (42.8mm)
4" (101.6mm)
2" (50.8mm)
5½" (137.7mm)
Kim Cylinder, Cone and Vessel Shaper $38.00 Part# GPBICONE2
This is one of the most versatile graphite glass shaping tools. It is used for shaping bi-cones, cones and vessel shapes. It can be used two different ways. One method is to hold the mandrel, with glass on it, perpendicular to the direction of the tapered V groove and rotate the mandrel to shape a symmetrical bi-cone with straight sides and a 90º center angle. The over all size of the bi-cone is determined by the amount of glass originally put onto the mandrel, up to what will fit in the mold. The other method is to hold the mandrel, with glass on it, parallel to the direction of one of the two V grooves. Two tapered grooves are arranged in reverse to each other to facilitate easy shaping on both the left and right side of the bead. By holding the mandrel at different angles to the groove, you can make any length or angle cone, bi-cone or vessel shape with either a straight or curved profile. Typically, one end of a bi-cone is shaped in one of the V grooves, then the other end is shaped in the other V groove. The over all size of the finished shape is not limited by the size of the V groove.
Osibin Multi Groove Shaper $40.00 Part# GP-MULTI
There are four 90º V-grooves, each at a different depth. Shape glass on or off the mandrel, aligned with or perpendicular to the grooves. Used for making cones, bi-cones, vessels and a 101 other uses.
Button and Knob Mold $45.00 Part# MOLBUT-A
Graphite mold with 9 round shapes of different diameters and profiles for forming buttons and knobs and more. Use instructions.
Smircich Button Masher $30.00 Part# SMIR-BM
Developed by Jim Smircich, the Smircich Button Masher is a pliers with a stainless pad on each jaw set parallel to each other at 1/8". One pad extends further than the other. To shape a button you first melt a round ball of glass at the end of a glass rod. Next, set the end of the molten glass ball onto a graphite pad, with the glass rod pointing skyward, to flatten the end of the glass ball. Reheat the glass and use the mashers to shape the button face to a gentle dome shape. The longer pliers pad shapes the face of the button while the shorter pad rests against the glass rod and shapes the back of the button. The glass rod can later become the button's loop.
Bead and Marble Molds 6-in-One ..... $45.00 Part# MOL61 3/8" with 1/2" ..... $30.00 Part# MOL38 5/8" with 3/4" ..... $30.00 Part# MOL58 7/8" with 1" ..... $35.00 Part# MOL78
A graphite paddle with shapes machined into it with a high temperature resistant handle. The 6-in-One has six half spheres to make round beads and marbles. 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8" and 1". Three on one side and three on the other. A mandrel groove is cut across the surface, through the middle of the spheres, to accommodate a mandrel while making beads. The groves do not interfere when making marbles. The three other Bead And Marble Molds each have a combination of two sizes and two different shapes for each size. On one side is a half sphere to make round beads and marbles. On the other is a half cylinder that is rounded at one end and extends to the edge of the graphite at the other end to make cylindrical beads. Both sides have the mandrel grooves.
Marble Molds 6-in-One ..... $40.00 Part# MOL6 4-in-One ..... $100.00 Part# MOL41 1-1/4" ..... $28.00 Part# MOL114 1-1/2" ..... $30.00 Part# MOL112 1-3/4" ..... $35.00 Part# MOL134 2" ..... $35.00 Part# MOL2 2-1/2" ..... $75.00 Part# MOL212 3" ..… $100.00 Part# MOL3 3-1/2" ..... $105.00 Part# MOL312 4" ..... $145.00 Part# MOL4
Similar in design as above, except without the mandrel groves, The 6-in-One has 6 holes, 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8" and 1". The 4-in-One has 4 holes, 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 1-3/4" and 2". The other sizes, 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 1-3/4", 2", 2-1/2", 3", 3-1/2" and 4" have only one hole per paddle.
Gunnar Manipulators Point End/Bullet End, 5/32" X 8" ..... $8.95 Brass Part# SH-GUN532PNT-B Stainless Steel Part# SH-GUN532PNT
Straight Chisel End/Rounded Chisel End, 5/32" X 8" ..... $8.95 Brass Part# SH-GUN532CHL-B Stainless Steel Part# SH-GUN532CHL
Point End/Bullet End, 3/16" X 8" ..... $9.95 Brass Part# SH-GUN316PNT-B Stainless Steel Part# SH-GUN316PNT
Straight Chisel End/Rounded Chisel End, 3/16" X 8" ..... $9.95 Brass Part# SH-GUN316CHL-B Stainless Steel Part# SH-GUN316CHL
Point End/Bullet End, 1/4" X 8" ..... $10.95 Brass Part# SH-GUN14PNT-B Stainless Steel Part# SH-GUN14PNT
Straight Chisel End/Rounded Chisel End, 1/4" X 8" ..... $10.95 Brass Part# SH-GUN14CHL-B Stainless Steel Part# SH-GUN14CHL
Classic hot glass shaping tools are made of stainless steel or brass for years of service. Two different styles, each come in 3 diameters, 8" long. One style has a sharp point at one end and a bullet point at the other. The other style has a straight chisel end and a rounded chisel end.
Graphite Remnants $8.50 per pound Part# GRREM
Example: about $1.70 for a ½" x 2" x 3" piece. Small random sizes of graphite that you can carve with simple hobby tools or sand into shape. Make tools such as shapers, pokers, press molds or even optic molds.
Graphite Reamers ¼" Pencil Reamer, 3" Long Graphite ..... $12.00 Part# GPREA14P 2 to 14 mm Tapered Reamer, 5" Long Graphite ..... $25.00 Part# GPREA214 5 to 20 mm Tapered Reamer, 6" Long Graphite ..... $33.00 Part# GPREA520 10 to 25 mm Tapered Reamer, 6" Long Graphite ..... $40.00 Part# GPREA1025
The ¼" Pencil Reamer is a handled ¼" diameter graphite round rod tapered to a pencil like point. The traditional reamers are, eight sided, tapered and handled. Reamers are mostly used to expand holes in the side or end of tubing and vessels.
Flower & Stem Tweezers $8.95 Part# TWFS1
Flower & Stem Tweezers are ideal for making flowers and shaping stems by manipulating the glass on the bead surface.
Ludwig Multi-Line Blade Tool 1/8" Spacing ..... $30.00 Part# SH-MULTI18 3/32" Spacing ..... $30.00 Part# SH-MULT332
Long time Arrow Springs toolmaker and accomplished beadmaker, Rob Ludwig, was thinking about beads while making a run of Sharon Shapers (Utility Blade Tool) and he thought, what if I put four blades side-by-side with a space between them? And viola! Not all great tool ideas are so great, but this one sure is.
Just heat up an area of your bead, pendant or other glass work and press the sharp edges of the blades against the hot glass. It's that simple. Because all four line impressions are made at once, they all look crisp, neat and clean, unlike when an impression made one at a time distorts the one before it. If you want more than four line impressions wide, no problem. Simply heat an area of the glass next to the first set of impressions and press the tool to the hot glass next to it, while overlapping one two or three of the lines. This way you can add one, two or three lines at a time while the overlapping keeps the previous lines from losing their detail. Two versions; One with the blades spaced 3/32" apart and one spaced at 1/8". Because we manufacture these tools, custom blade spacing is available by special request.
Barley Baleen Tools Barley Baleen Wave Razor Tool #1 ..... $9.95 Part# SH-WAVE1 Barley Baleen Wave Razor Tool #2 ..... $9.95 Part# SH-WAVE2 Barley Baleen Curve Razor Tool #1 ..... $8.95 Part# SH-CURVE1 Barley Baleen Curve Razor Tool #2 ..... $8.95 Part# SH-CURVE2 Barley Baleen Curve Razor Tool #3 ..... $8.95 Part# SH-CURVE3 Barley Baleen Curve Razor Tool #4 ..... $8.95 Part# SH-CURVE4 Sharon Shaper ..... $7.00 Part# SHUB2 Baleen Tool Set (1 of all 7 tools listed above) ..... $49.95 Part# SH-BALEEN7
From the talented creations of Michael Barley's Baleen series of beads comes the Arrow Springs line of Barley Baleen Tools. When Michael visited the Whale Museum in Friday Harbor, Washington and saw a display of baleen, the filtering structure in the mouth of baleen whales, he was intrigued and inspired to incorporate the pattern as a design element into his beadwork. Today, Michael's Baleen Bead designs are world renowned for their beauty.
Up until now, Michael has always used the Sharon Shaper as the primary tool for forming the baleen design element. Arrow Springs has designed five new tools to complement the Sharon Shaper. Like the Sharon Shaper, which is a sharp edged razor tool, four of the new tools are curved to each have a different radius, and a fifth tool is corrugated. The tools are available through Arrow Springs and an eighteen page tutorial is available for purchase from Michael on his Etsy web page. It is an excellent tutorial with clear step-by-step instruction and plenty of color pictures. The second to last page shows examples of Michael's Baleen Beads using the Sharon Shaper, while the last page shows examples of Michael's Baleen Beads using the newly available Barley Baleen Tools.
The first bead on page 18 of Michael's tutorial was made using the Barley Curve Razor Tool #2. Curve Razor Tool #1 has a tighter radius. #3 has a larger radius than #2 and #4 is larger than #3. The second bead on the page was made with the Barley Wave Razor Tool. Of course, the use of these tools is not limited to just making Barley Baleen beads. They can be used for any lampworking application your imagination can come up with. Michale's Etsy Web page:
Spiral Press Left Hand ..... $12.95 Part# SH-SPIRAL-L Right Hand ..... $12.95 Part# SH-SPIRAL-R
The Spiral Press is fast and extremely easy to use. Just heat up an area of glass to make it pliable and press the tool to it. Diameter is ± ¾" (19 mm). Each one is unique, as they are hand made and easily adjustable to meet your whim. The bead pictured on left is the Left Hand Spiral, pressed into Moody Blue on an Effete Ivory base. The one on the right is the Right Hand Spiral pressed into Effetre Ivory.
Wave Press Left Hand ..... $24.95 Part# SH-WAVE-L Right Hand ..... $24.95 Part# SH-WAVE-R
The Wave Press is fast and extremely easy to use. Just heat up an area of glass to make it pliable and press the tool to it. By rocking the press over a slightly domed surface, such as a lentil shaped bead, you can define the length of the wave pattern. The three pieces pictured were made with a Left Hand Wave Press. Diameter is ± 1" (25 mm). Each one is unique, as they are hand made and easily adjustable to meet your whim. The glasses are Ivory and Moody Blue.
Shaping Tool $9.00 Part# SHAPE
Handle with a four sided stainless steel tip to shape with. The tip has a 90° point. Two sides are a single thickness, one side is double thickness and one side is quadruple thickness. Use the various edges to put flutes, spirals, surface twists and countless others shapes into glass.
Knife Edge Shaping Tool $9.95 Part# SHKE
A very thin flat stainless steel blade with a handle. It is sharpened to a knife edge. The front edge is straight like a single edge razor. One corner has a radius and the other has a point. Used in sculpting to make thin knife cuts into hot glass.
Flaring Tool $8.00 Part# SHF
A stainless steel triangular shape wedge mounted in a handle. Used to flare holes, manipulate and shape hot glass.
Single Edge Razor Tool $8.00 Part# SHSER
A single edge razor blade mounted in a handle. Used to make thin cut like impressions in hot glass.
Sharon Shaper - Utility Blade Tool $8.00 Part# SHUB2
Our improved design Sharon Shaper has a welded on shaft connecting the handle to the Utility Blade. The connection is so much stronger than the handle simply holding directly onto the blade that you can now use much more force, especially at the tip, without the fear of the blade coming out of the handle while making knife edge thin impressions and shaping hot glass.
Tilker Shaper - Utility Blade Tool $16.95 Part# SH-TILKER
A sturdy upgrade from the Sharon Shaper. The Tilker Shaper blade is securely held in with 2 screws. We also added a convenient frit scoop at the back end. 3/8" diameter handle.
12 Piece Sculpting Set $18.00 Part# TW12SCUPLT
Similar in design and size to dentist's tools, this selection of double ended tools has a large variety of shapes used to manipulate molten glass or to carve wax or clay. Some of the ends in this set have needle like points, similar to a glass rake. This 12 piece set also contains the 4 tools that are in the 4 Piece Sculpting Set.